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Who we are

SANDA is dedicated to providing quality services, ensuring public accessibility and increasing awareness of issues affecting Deaf people at all levels in South Africa. SANDA was founded at an important moment in the history of South Africa, namely, the coming into being of a decade of a democratic dispensation - ten years of post-apartheid government.


Board of Directors

The composition of the board of directors mirrors the microcosm of the South African Deaf community and the society as a whole of which SANDA is part.


SANDA Mandate

• Building capacity in the Deaf sector
• Influencing public policies
• Set the agenda for meaningful inclusive development
• Provide comprehensive human development services that
   benefit Deaf people at all levels of society.

Our Mission

To serve as an innovative, responsive and dynamic developmental Deaf organisation that consistently ensures the protection and promotion of the rights, needs and concerns of Deaf people in South Africa.

We will achieve this by:


Providing service and support that reflects the values, aspirations and culture of Deaf people.


Monitoring, advocacy and awareness of Deaf people, deafness and hearing loss


Providing strategic Deaf leadership, knowledge management and research


Contributing to inclusive policy development that promote mainstreaming of Deaf perspectives to government and society.


Continuous capacity and development of staff for consistently high work output and growth.


Reflecting, through our work, an enhanced quality of life and well-being of Deaf people and a more just inclusive South African society.

Our guiding principles

We are known for and steadfast in:

  • Placing Deaf empowerment and self-representation at the heart of inclusive development.
  • Developing, advancing and promoting the status of South African Sign Language.
  • Cherishing the nurturing of talent and potential of Deaf people to succeed.
  • Developing Deaf community assets

845 Francis Baard Street
Arcadia, Pretoria


Tel: 012 343 0661
Fax: 086 776 9816


125-166 NPO
PBO: 930041714
Reg. No. 2006/039227/08